Taking your dog out to the woods can be a good experience for both you and your dog. While you can protect yourself from any bug bites that might occur, you cannot however protect your dog from anything that might happen. When going out in the woods, the first thing you should always worry about is ticks.
Ticks are a small 8 legged insect that will bite you if you have any open skin. When the ticks bite you, they latch themselves on to your skin in order to suck out as muck blood as possible. When they bite on to your dog, they will continue to suck the blood out of your dog until they can't do it anymore. The best way to stop ticks is before they start. This means that you must spray your dog down with some kind of insect repellent before you take your dog out into the woods. Ticks are a parasite that sucks the blood right out of your body. These ticks hide out in the bushes and tall grassy areas.
The one thing that people are quite afraid of is the Lyme disease that ticks tend to carry. This disease can cause major shut downs in your body if you are not careful. This disease can also affect a dog quite drastically. These ticks with Lyme disease will quickly begin to shut down your dog's immune system and eventually make your dog very sick.
If you find that your dog has a tick buried in his fur, there are a number of things that you need to do to help your dog get better. The first thing that you will need to do is to get a pair of tweezers. You cannot just pull the tick out with your bare hands. When the tick initially bites you, it will bury its head in your skin. If you just try to pull it out with your bare hands, you might get the head stuck in your skin which could lead to infection. You should position the tweezers around the tick as close to the skin as possible. You have place the tweezers there, firmly begin to pull the tick straight up. This should help to keep the tick in tact and make sure that he is not broken in half. Once the tick is out of your dog, you should burn or flush the tick. If you through the tick away, it will probably just climb up the trash and try to bit you again.
For more information, contact the New York Veterinarian Clinics by clicking here.
Joseph Devine
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Devine
Friday, July 11, 2008
Ticks On Your Dog And How To Get Rid Of Them by Joseph Devine
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