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Thursday, July 10, 2008

How to Deal With Dog Ear Yeast Infection by Peter Gitundu

Dog ear yeast infection is very common and it is caused by an organism that is referred to as malassezia patchydermis which is found on the skin of the dog. The most common infections happen on the skin and the ears. The organism is able to infect the dog because of a weakened immune system which might be caused by several reasons. The first reason is a dog vaccination and although had to imagine, some vaccinations only leave the dog weak prone to infections. Just like man, a dog will also be affected by antibiotics. They will kill all the friendly bacteria and leave the dog without any defense.

Dog ear yeast infection can also be caused by chemicals and poisons and a dog is likely to come into contact with these substances where it can fall ill. Another cause is a bacterial infection. The dog might be infected by a bacteria for which it is put on antibiotics which will harm good bacteria therefore, have a clear understanding of the various kinds of medications your dog is going to undergo. Some of the symptoms of a dog ear yeast infection include itching. This will be known when the dog is constantly reaching for the ears and shaking his head. Look out for lesions in around the ears.

Dog ear yeast infection might be a bit tricky to diagnose because when the samples of the ear scrapings are observed under a microscope, you will find the organism that causes the infection which is called malassezia patchydermis. However, when you do a similar test with specimen from another part of the dogs body, you will find that the results reveal presence of malassezia. This confirms that the organism is always present on the skin of the dog whether sick or not. Therefore they give the medication and if it works, then the dog is considered to have suffered from the infection.

Dog ear yeast infection is treated with anti fungal creams if the infection is not extensive and this may continue for several weeks until the dog finds relief. As a dog owner, you are advised to keep on checking your canine partner for unusual appearances so that you can figure out what the problem is and, if you cannot, you need a good specialist. Once in while, let your dog have a physical examination to determine the health and immunity level. This will help you figure out which nutrient to add and which ones to remove from the dogs diet. Make sure you observe hygiene in your dog to avoid many infections.

Finally, dog ear yeast infection can be avoided by making a diet that will boost the immunity of the dog. You need to replace the helpful bacteria that might be missing in the dog. Feeding the dog raw meat could make its health better. Also, consider the use of supplements and feed your dog as advised by the health specialist. Avoid vaccinations that you are not sure of and do not administer antibiotics to the dog without consulting about a yeast possibility.

Peter Gitundu is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Yeast Infection for Years. For More Information on Dog Ear Yeast Infection, Visit His Site at DOG EAR YEAST INFECTION You Can Also Post Pour Views About Dog Ear Yeast Infection On My Blog Here - DOG EAR YEAST INFECTION
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