Dog Training

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dog Obedience Training - Using a Leash and Collar by David Marshall

The leash is the main form of controlling and communicating with the dog in leash and collar training. Other popular method is called positive reinforcement training and have been a very long time and they have proven work together over time.
How to choose a leash and collar for obedience training
Dog owners need a leash when taking your dog for a walk. In many cases a proper leash is used at home especially if your dog is aggressive towards other people and other dogs. Many leash and collar are now using more advanced technology. the chest leash is popular in the dog owners community and one shorter 6 foot is recommended. Choose one suitable and comfort while wearing the leash and make her wear a leash and collar in public places with the tags or ID just in case she get loose.
Prong collars or choke chain is one of the most effective accomplish obedience training - The pinch or prong collar is made of interlocked metal links, each with two blunt prongs that pinch the dog neck skin when the collar is tugged on. They pinch similar to you pinching your own skin. They press evenly around the neck and they will not penetrate or break the skin.
The Gentle Leader and the Halti are the two best known types of dog head collars - there are slight differences in the design and they are made by different companies . As opposed to traditional dog collars that go around the neck, the Gentle Leader is a head harness that consists of a nylon nose strap and neck strap. The lead is attached to a ring at the end of a short strap that extends under the chin.
Both straps are designed to have a specific function. The nose loop is intended to mimic the practice of demonstrating pack dominance between two animals by firmly taking a dogs muzzle in their own. The neck strap is intended to relax and calm the dog by mimicking the practice of a mother grasping her pups by the back of the neck. In addition, the strap applies pressure to the back of the neck instead of the front of the throat.
Shock collars - We not recommended for training a dog, honestly we believe is a intimidation - physical torture. Simply try positive reinforcement method and other dog leash and collar options.
As with any collar, you need to aware your dog reaction. No one device will work for all dogs, but before you should pick up a choke chain or a prong collar, a Gentle Leader is for some serious aggressive behavior.
Please visit us our blog on how train your dog David Marshall is freelancer owner and author of
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