Dog Training

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to Stop Aggression Effectively For Your Mixed Breed Dog by J. J. Yong

You might be thinking that your mixed breed dog's actual breed is Beagle, but apparently, it does not behave like one and it is more aggressive than pure breed Beagle when he sees a unknown stranger - it could be any person including your friends, mailman, your friends or someone that approaching him on the street while he is tied up outside a store. You have tried several ways to tame your dog, but in the end, your efforts of controlling your dog seem to be in vain. It seems that the more you that you show concern of your dog, the more it would like become an aggressive canine.

Your mixed breed dog may already have had several unpleasant experiences including taking a bath, handing or grooming. Therefore, training your dog could be difficult because these experiences had caused damaged to your dog and makes your dog behave very wildly.

This perhaps starts to show signs of stress and thus you should stop immediately and let him relax. Try to make the whole thing into a game: give him lots of praise, pats, and treats as his rewards. Please take note that patience is virtue - hence, you must take things very slowly. Do not push your dog too far or else he will feel panic or nervous that could lead him to extreme aggression.

Generally, most of the dogs show aggression for a reason: they're warning you to step back, or else they will bite you! If your dog aggression misbehavior still persists, it is best to hand the job over to your veterinarian. They will know how to handle this particular misbehavior and they will give your suggestions or tips on how to handle your dog's mischief so that you will be able to get know your dog better than before.

Effective dog training are performed on dogs based on their distinctive dog breeds. Therefore, it is important to perform a DNA test on your mixed-breed dog for instant dog breed identification. For more information about dog DNA testing as a breed identification tool, visit

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