Dog Training

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Monday, July 21, 2008

How to Train Your Dog to Be More Obedient by Margareta Setijoso

Dogs are "pack" animals just like their common ancestor, the wolf. They are always looking for approval from the leader of the pack. What most people don't even realize, is that their dog ends up being the leader of the pack! At least in the dog's mind that's the case.

Did you know that when you walk your dog, he/she is supposed to stand BEHIND you? You are supposed to be the dominant one, not your pet. YOU are the leader of the pack and if you're not, you need to work towards making it that way. This is where dog training comes in.

Believe it or not, it's hard for a lot of people to 'stick to their guns' when trying to discipline their dog. It is very easy to give in especially when they give you those puppy eyes. You must remain strong and solid. Straightening out your posture actually works very well in letting your dog know that YOU are in charge. Giving off a serious, dominant and 'alpha dog' vibe to your dog will also help.

When you tell your dog to 'sit' make sure you are not begging or pleading with him/her to do so! You should only have to say it once. If your dog doesn't listen, the next action shall be you pushing down on their bottom and making them sit -- it's a normal part of the dog training process.You will see a lot of people pleading with your dog and I'm sure you have done it yourself. "Sit Sparky, sit......sit Sparky......sit, sit.....sit!" Ridiculous. Who's in charge here? Certainly not the owner. A dog can go from being the dominant 'alpha' dog to being extremely submissive and in need of approval in a fairly quick amount of time. Try to implement these few techniques that I've gone over and I guarantee you'll be on the right track to training your dog to be a lot more obedient and he will look up to you for it. Trust me.

I certainly hope that you find this article useful as i expected it to be. Visit Margareta's blog about how to Successfully Train Your Dog To Behave for more information.

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