Dog Training

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

How to Correct Dog Behavior - Yes, You Can Do It! by Barb Pena

Are you struggling with how to correct dog behavior? Is your dog out of control? Making you feel stressed? Do you just want a calm dog that obeys your commands?

I was in your position not too long ago. But I found there is hope!
The following steps will help you correct your dog's behavior:

1. Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise. A quick little walk around the block is not enough. They need to be panting tired. I've found that ten or fifteen minutes of fetch work wonders or else get a rubber horse whip and attach a small stuffed animal to the end. The dogs love to chase it and this is fun for both of us. It's quite entertaining to watch the dogs jump and twist trying to catch the animal.

2. Be consistent. Always be sure to enforce the rules. Don't let your dog get away with sometimes sitting on the coach and other times scolding him for it. Or don't give your dogs food from the table but then wonder why he begs all the time.

3. Praise and reward the positive. Always praise and reward any good behavior. Be sure to make it a "party" with your voice and maybe a few treats when a dog is doing something right. It will make him want to repeat the behavior.

4. Establish yourself as the alpha. Be sure that you are the "top dog." One good way to do this is not to leave their food out for them to graze on whenever they want. Feed them 2 times a day at the same times every day. This establishes you as the provider of food which is what the alpha does. It's also a good idea to make them work for the food, to be let outside, to be petted, etc. Just ask them to sit before you set their food bowl down, open the door or pet them.

4. Find a good training program. You can find classes at your local humane society but there are also fabulous classes that you can purchase online which free you up to go at your own speed and customize the program for the things you need to work on with your dog.

If you put the above steps into action, you too can have an amazing dog that you are proud to have in your household.

Barb Pena loves her 3 dogs and keeping up on the latest training techniques. Do you want to put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dogs problem behavior? Click here to sign up for a free 6 day mini dog training course to get you started. Slash your dog training time in half by using techniques that give you immediate results.
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